Minggu, 24 Januari 2021


Renovation of Boyolali’s Athletic Field

By: Andrianza Kisdinar Pranadi

(An Internship Student of English Diploma Program Vocational School UNS)


Boyolali, January 20th, 2021 − The athletic field located in Mojosongo, Boyolali is being renovated. This renovation occurs due to the lack of quality of the football field inside it. After considering it, the Boyolali of Youth, Sports, and Tourism Authorities team-up with PT Harapan Jaya Lestarindo as the investor and other stakeholders, stick together to improve that field’s quality and other supporting aspects such as stands, fences, toilets, and sinks for compliance with health protocol requirements during a pandemic. The duration of collaboration lasts for many years.

Before started the renovation of this field, the investor, who is also the contractor company, said that there were things which haven’t met the requirements. “Last Sunday, we have come to the location to survey the ground elevation. It turns out that the ground level, namely the elevation, haven’t met the requirements when compared to the renovation experiences that have been done,” said the staff of PT Harapan Jaya Lestarindo.

Since the beginning of renovation, the field grass is the main concern in improving its quality. Heavy equipment will be used to overcome the ground elevation that has not met the requirements. On Sunday (17/01/2021), the football field renovation has begun with repairing the field’s ground and grass.

In this case, the active participation of 2 residents maximum to the maintain the site security during this field renovation process is really needed, especially who live near that field, so the progress of renovation proceeds can be fast and precise. Besides that, the residents can use that field and involve in maintaining it after the renovation. The field renovation can increase the attention and visit from the residents who live far from that field, so the local residents can get a benefit by providing other beneficial things.


Translated by:

Andrianza Kisdinar Pranadi

(An Internship Student of English Diploma Program Vocational School UNS)


Edited by:

Pranasti Kusuma P. N.

(An Internship Student of English Diploma Program Vocational School UNS)